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Pay Dirt (Bennett Dynasty Book 2) Page 11

  “Wait here,” he said and grabbed the screwdriver, disappearing outside. Within seconds, the door was pulled off the hinges and freedom was in sight.

  “Wait there, and I’ll carry you out,” he said.

  I wobbled over to the money and shoved it into an empty gym bag lying nearby. I wrapped it around my neck when Nathan returned. His gaze fell on the empty kitchen stuff before returning to meet mine with a smile.

  “They’re going to be so pissed.”

  “I know.” I chuckled as Nathan swept me up into his arms and carried me out of the storm shelter and straight to Mrs. B’s house.

  He knocked on the door, and she opened it. Her eyes widened. “What have you two been doing?”

  “Mrs. B, I need to use your phone, please.”

  “Come in. Come in.” The woman moved out of the way, and Nathan eased me down into a kitchen chair before disappearing to use the phone.

  “Can I get you something?”

  “Water and a gun would be great.” I coughed as I spoke. “Your neighborhood isn’t so safe, after all.”

  She hurried to get water and returned with it a second later, along with a shotgun, and placed them both on the table.

  I loved this woman. She was old enough to be my Grams and was filled with gumption too. She and my Grams would probably get along great if they didn’t kill each other first.

  I ignored the water and checked the chamber on the gun first. My eyes closed as I downed the entire bottle of water, barely stopping for air.

  The look on Mrs. Beatrice’s face was priceless.

  “You want more, dear?”

  I swiped my mouth with the back of my hand to catch any droplets. Nathan appeared at the table. He picked up the gun and moved to stand by the window, peeking out. “Police and paramedics will be here in five minutes. FBI in an hour.”

  “I don’t need a paramedic. I’m fine,” I said, hobbling to stand. “We have people to arrest.”

  Nathan glanced over at me and raised a brow. “Paramedics and police first. Then we’ll deal with everything else.”

  “Okay, but promise me that I’ll get to see John in handcuffs.”

  Mrs. Beatrice’s mouth parted. “John and Monica, John? They’re friends with Pete, who lives just across the street.”

  “They’re more than just friends.” I winked at the woman as I hopped on one foot over to sit on the couch and rested my foot on the cushion. I’d stayed there until the police and paramedics arrived.

  “Oh my. People are going to think I’ve kicked the bucket with all the action on the street.”

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Beatrice. You can brag about helping an FBI agent solve a decade-old case and catching bank thieves.”

  Chapter 24

  Because I’d been taken to the hospital, I missed the final takedown. But I heard about it afterward. John had been arrested in the middle of the rodeo competition and taken into custody by the FBI. When they’d searched his house, they found Monica unconscious in her bed and barely alive with an empty liquor bottle in her hands and a half empty vial of pills by her side. It’s almost like she knew the end was near.

  They’d chased Pete down to Nathan’s daddy’s farm. He’d been working as if nothing was amiss in the world. Dan had been hauled out of the bank in handcuffs.

  Federal charges of robbery, kidnapping, murder, and attempted murder awaited all of them. Each would be going away for a long time.

  I’d spent my time wasting away in the hospital waiting for a doctor to wrap my ankle. It had been a sprain just like I thought, but it took an x-ray before Nathan and the doctors were convinced.

  I’d been relieved of the bag containing the robbery money. Only six hundred thousand out of a million had been recovered. Maybe one day when the wind died down, I might go snooping for the remainder if they hadn’t spent it.

  Back at Nathan’s house, I resigned myself to the porch, staring out at the equipment in the field. My leg was propped up on the swing, taking up the length of the cushion as I faced the open field.

  The entire family missed the benefit because of everything that happened. Mildred went in their place. I was sure the town would understand when word got out. It was like the Murrays had to mourn Jenna all over again.

  Nathan moved my leg and sat down next to me, putting my foot in his lap. He kissed me. “The FBI needs me to report in.”

  “I figured.” I smiled up at him and laid my head on the back of the swing. “I’m not leaving just yet. Your dad said I could stay as long as I wanted.”

  Nathan caressed my hair. “You know I was serious about you and me being an actual thing.”

  “Describe thing,” I teased just as the porch door opened.

  William Murray came strolling out with Amanda. She sat on the railing and hugged one of the beams. She was wearing the shiny new belt buckle she’d won from competition.

  William took a seat next to dad, who I don’t think had moved from his seat the entire time I’d been in town.

  William leaned in and handed Nathan a leather-bound book. “That was your mom’s. It’s got the names of everyone she helped disappear. Keep it safe, son. If Dan knew about the book, there’s no telling if he told anyone else. It’s no longer safe on the property.”

  “What’s going to happen to Marty?” Amanda asked.

  “He’s eighteen years old and a good kid. He’ll probably go stay with his aunt,” Nathan said.

  Amanda frowned. Sadness filled her eyes.

  “You know, long distance relationships can work. I’m sure you’ll even see him at other competitions and rodeos,” I said trying to offer more hope.

  “I guess,” she said as she met my gaze.

  “Don’t worry, Amanda Panda. I’ll make sure he’s taken care of and not lost in the shuffle, and I’ll tell you where he lands. He didn’t have anything to do with our mom’s death. He shouldn’t be penalized for who his father is,” Nathan said.

  A little bit of hope shined through her hazel eyes.

  Nathan and I stayed on the swing most of the day, doing nothing more than talking and being with each other. We’d bonded, and I’d fallen for him. We’d gone from almost dying together, to saving each other, to solving a murder. We were a fantastic team. How in the heck we’d make any type of relationship work, going forward, I hadn’t a clue. But now I understood Amanda’s stance.

  Nathan had packed and pulled the suitcase onto the porch. His dad had the keys in his hand and patted his son on the back before he grabbed the luggage. Nathan closed the distance between us. He leaned down and kissed me. “I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  I cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “That’s probably good. I don’t know where I’ll be, you know…in case you’re interested in finding me.”

  “Cassie, I love you.” His words were a whisper before he walked off.

  He left me speechless on the porch, staring after them and the dust being kicked up as they drove away.

  “That boy knows how to go in for the kill, just like my daughter, his momma,” the old man announced.

  My head reared back at the sound of his raspy, little used voice. “And here I thought this whole time that you were William’s daddy.”

  “Nope,” he said matter-of-factly. “Jenna’s first husband was a sorry piece of dog crap, and she told me she was going to run because he hit her. She hid it for a long time until one of her friends realized what was going on. This was a long time ago, but that’s what started us down this crazy path. She just had to find the will to leave, and no way was I letting my baby girl go running off without me. Although I offered to kill for her, she wouldn’t let me do it.”

  “She didn’t want you to go to jail.” My heart clenched at the thought. Had someone been beating on one of my sisters. I’d offer the same thing.

  “That book got passed down from one person to the next. Each new organizer pledges to keep the names safe. That’s where his momma used to disappear to every year on her birthday. They’d
all meet up and she’d check in on the others trying to decide on her replacement.”

  “I’m sure Nathan will take care of it.”

  The old man tsked and rose from his spot. He crossed the distance between us and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. “That book Nathan has is written in code. In order to decipher it, and carry on the Murray tradition of being a savior, you’re going to need the key.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t,” I said, even as I reached for the paper.

  “You already saved him, and you’re about to save the people under the library. You’ll save some battered women too. I have faith in you.”

  “Wait, how did you know about the library?”

  “William told me what you bargained for from the oil location. You wanted the land to build some tiny homes for those people that lost everything. It might be a great place for someone who might, one day, need to disappear, even if it’s a pit stop, don’t you think? Michael and Janet will be great hosts.”

  My mouth parted. It took a lot to make me speechless, but the old man had definitely done that.

  He did know my secrets; he did know everything I had planned. Well, almost everything. I smiled.

  Within a week of Nathan being gone, the tiny houses I’d bought were delivered to the acreage William had transferred to me. The permits had been secured, and the entire town had helped to get everything up and running. The sign above the entrance read, Jenna’s Place. A sign in the field read In loving memory of a woman who gave up everything to help others.

  In my heart, I aspired to be like her one day. I didn’t stick around the farm after that. I wasn’t one for tearful goodbyes. Amanda drove me to the airport and helped me pass the time for boarding.

  “He should be back any day. Are you sure you don’t want to wait around?”

  I nudged her shoulder. “He knows how to reach me. Besides I’m sure your family could use some peace and quiet. Once the reporters get wind that I’ve left, they’ll leave you alone.”

  “You are kind of a celebrity around here now. You should stay and live it up.”

  “I’ll take a hard pass,” I whispered just as the announcements came over that my flight was ready to board. I rose and grabbed my bag and pulled her into a hug. “You keep looking out for them, okay?”

  “You know I will. It’s a full-time job.”

  I pulled a house key out of my pocket and dangled it in front of her.

  “What’s this?”

  “I signed a new tenant for Jenna’s Place. I thought maybe you could welcome him.”


  “Marty.” I grinned. “His flight is due in twenty minutes. Across the field should be close enough to keep seeing each other, don’t you think?”

  Amanda threw her arms around my neck and hugged me as she danced a bouncy jig. She stopped and stared into my eyes. “You’re serious.”

  “I wouldn’t kid about that,” I answered as she bounced up and down again before releasing me.

  Her hand went to her hair. “Oh, God. I’m not wearing any makeup. I’d barely brushed my hair.”

  “He’s not going to care, I promise,” I said as I hobbled over to the gate and handed over my ticket. I gave one more glance over my shoulder to watch Amanda smiling as she waved. I’d see her again one day. The next time the well ran dry and they needed help in finding the pay dirt.

  Chapter 25

  I walked out of the courtroom with a huge smile. Bill Tanner’s face would be seen on TV tonight, but it wouldn’t be on the ten o’clock news. Nope, he got more than a slap on the wrist for hitting me and pulling a gun. Especially when the FBI showed the surveillance videos. Mrs. Tanner’s divorce would be finalized tomorrow. Today was a good day. Had this been how Jenna felt when helping those women?

  I pushed out of the courthouse, got into my car, and drove home.

  Getting out, I smiled at Nathan sitting on my porch.

  “How was court?” he asked as he rose from his spot and met me halfway.

  “Justice was served,” I answered.

  “Well, we were a major force in the apprehension of the weatherman.”

  My mouth parted, and I tapped his stomach. “You weren’t even watching him. You were watching me watch him.”

  Nathan chuckled and pulled me into his arms. “Watching you was the best job I ever had.”

  I rolled my eyes, and he pulled me in and kissed me slow and melt-worthy until I leaned into his hold.

  “Jenna’s Place?” he asked.

  “You mom deserves to be remembered, even if she couldn’t publicly announce she was behind helping over a hundred women disappear.”

  “Marty?” he asked next.

  “Amanda loves him, and I figured you wouldn’t want her traipsing across the world following him. It’s better he’s nearby for everyone involved.”

  “And Michael and Janet and the others. Those are some pretty cool little digs until they get back on their feet. You have a big heart, Cassie Bennett.”

  I reached behind his neck and guided him to my mouth. “My sister had a premonition about us after I got back.”

  “Are you sure it was a real premonition and not a little birdy that whispered in her ear?” He arched a brow.

  “Well now, I don’t know.” I moved to sit on the porch swing that now served as a reminder to slow down and enjoy the view.

  He didn’t sit beside me. Instead, he kneeled in front of me and opened the blue Tiffany box in his hand. “Did it have to do with a ring?”

  My lips widened into a smile. “Maybe, but you know we could be all wrong for each other.”

  “Or maybe perfect for each other. You’re my dimes. My hopes, my wishes. We can have a long engagement, and you can spend time getting to know me, but I already know I love you, Cassie Bennett.”

  “You have this all figured out, don’t you?”

  “You found my heart, Cassie. I’m hoping that you’ll keep it.”

  I held out my trembling hand and smiled. “I plan to do just that.”

  He started to slide it on my finger and paused. “Is that a yes?”

  I nodded. “Absolutely, yes.”

  Never in a million years had I believed I’d find true love just by working my job, and even now, with Nathan by my side, my sister’s premonition had been clear; we’d be helping a ton more men and women on our quest. I patted my pocket where an extra crystal was stashed, along with the decryption code. This was a new chapter in our life. One that promised things I would have never even imagined.

  Two hours later, I left Nathan asleep in my bed and fixed a cup of coffee, staring at the map on the table and the ceramic stone sitting on top, engraved with the name Bennett.

  I’d been trying for days to find our relatives without a hint of luck. Nothing to show where this other line might be.

  Next to it was one of Talia’s friendship bracelets, which she’d always worn. Butterflies and fear had me waiting to try anything with that one. If Gwen was right, Talia was still alive somewhere in the world. She would have grown up believing… what exactly?

  “Is that the Bennett genealogy project you were telling me about?” Nathan asked as he moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Yeah, and like the others, I’m not having any luck.”

  Nathan kissed my temple. “Maybe you’re going about it all wrong. Maybe there’s an easier way.”

  “Easier than me working with my crystal?” I asked.

  “It’s called DNA, honey.” Nathan took the coffee from my hands and set it on the table. He turned me in his arms and kissed my lips before answering. “Submit your DNA sample to the genealogy site. Our forensic and investigation departments are using them more and more every day. All it takes is for one of your relatives searching for their roots, and you may get a hit.”

  I nestled into Nathan’s hold and whispered against his chest. “I love you, Nathan.”

  “I love you too, Cassie, and I can’t wait to make you my wife,” he
answered, kissing the top of my head.




  Not sure which series you want to start with? Get my Mystic Secrets Starter Box Set for ONLY 99 pennies! Three books that are all the first in their series by Clicking HERE!

  Love your romance with a supernatural twist? Check out Skylar

  Or maybe you like your Romantic Suspense without the supernatural additive. Then Check out Deception.


  About the Author

  Kate has lived in Florida for most of her entire life. She enjoys a quiet life with her husband, Michael and two kids.

  Kate has pulled all-nighters finishing her favorite books and also writing them. She says she'll sleep when she's dead or when her muse stops singing off key.

  She loves creating worlds full of suspense, secrets, hunky men, kick ass heroines, steamy sex and the love of a lifetime. Not to mention an occasional ghost and other supernatural talents thrown into the mix.

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